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NWIC Institutional Data

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Institutional Data

Northwest Indian College collects and provides student data related to our institutional Mission Objectives. The available data collected represent the indicators used to make informed decisions and provide meaningful insights towards continuous improvement and promoting institutional effectiveness.


The following institutional data and reports are publicly available. Additional data components are available through the Students Insights Dashboard that includes Northwest Indian College data related to persistence, completion, retention, and overall student success indicators. The data can be accessed and disaggregated by variables that provide further meaning to the data categories.

Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 6.07.46 PM
InstitutionPercentage of Native AmericanRetention Rate Overall*Graduation Rate Overall*
Northwest Indian College79%50%27%
Aaniiih Nakoda College92%N/A29%
Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College9%61%32%
Fort Peck Community College75%43%14%
Nebraska Indian Community College73%69%0%
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College70%N/A6%
Oglala Lakota College96%67%6%
United Tribes Technical College84%N/A12%
Salish Kootenai College73%50%62%
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*IPEDS Data 2023

 Institutional Research Data and Reports

Strategic Plan Mission Objective Data

Graduation Reports:

NWIC Annual Enrollment Reports:

IPEDS Data Feedback Report:

POST-SECONDARY DATA PARTNERSHIP (PDP) DATA: Enrollment, Credit Accumulation/Completion Rate, First Year Completion, Gateway Completion, Outcomes, Retention/Persistence, Transfer, Time to Credential


First Time Student Report

Survey Data

  • Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey (2024)

NWCCU Spring Peer Evaluator Dashboards

Student Success Reports:

NWIC Biennial Reports



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