NWIC Assessment Resources
Assessment Resources
Curriculum Maps
Bachelor Degrees
Bachelor of Arts- Community Advocates and Responsive Education in Human Services
Bachelor of Arts- Community Advocates and Responsive Education in Human Services- Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation
Bachelor of Arts- Native Studies Leadership
Bachelor of Arts- Tribal Governance and Business Management
Bachelor of Science- Native Environmental Science
Associate Degrees
Associate of Arts and Sciences- General Direct Transfer
Associate of Science- Transfer in Early Childhood Education
Associate of Technical Arts- Behavioral Health Aide
Institutional Outcomes
Approved May 6, 2013
(Open a pdf version of the Institutional Outcomes by clicking here)
Northwest Indian College is committed to advancing the vision of our ancestors by providing a quality Indigenous education through which every student is able to strengthen their personal and Tribal identity.
The institutional outcomes are foundational to a framework based on the pillars of indigenousness and sovereignty which informs all aspects of the design, delivery, and assessment of the college’s programs and courses. These relationships are shown below.
This framework ensures that, upon degree attainment, NWIC graduates will be able to view their world cognizant of Tribal values, informed by the knowledge of inherent and acquired rights, and prepared to be leaders in their own unique ways to serve their communities. As Tribal Nation builders, graduates will be prepared to promote the restoration of a culture of social and economic abundance.
NWIC has identified four organizing principles for student success which move our educational vision into fruition:
NATIVE LEADERSHIP – To Acquire a Quality Education
Educated Native leaders are essential to the survival and advancement of Tribes. NWIC graduates are leaders in their own right and have the ability to communicate in diverse situations, listen deeply, think critically, and organize and articulate ideas.
Upon degree attainment, a successful student will be able to …
1. effectively communicate in diverse situations, from receiving to expressing information, both verbally and non-verbally.
2. use analytical and critical thinking skills to draw and interpret conclusions from multiple perspectives including Indigenous theory and methods.
WAY OF LIFE – To Give Back
Education is relevant when Indigenous ways of thinking, learning, and doing are infused into the educational framework. NWIC graduates possess the knowledge of how Tribal values are interpreted and practiced through healthy lifestyles, language and decision making.
Upon degree attainment, a successful student will be able to …
3. demonstrate knowledge of what it means to be a people.
4. practice community building through service learning
INHERENT RIGHTS – To Apply Indigenous Knowledge
Knowledge of Tribal history, language and culture is integral to the advancement of sovereignty and self-determination. NWIC graduates actively engage in the decolonization process using an Indigenous perspective and are able to differentiate between inherent rights and acquired rights.
Upon degree attainment, a successful student will be able to …
5. exhibit a sense of place.
6. recognize Tribal rights as they relate to human rights
COMMUNITY-MINDED – To Utilize Education Through Work
Indigenous knowledge advances the capacity of tribes. NWIC graduates acquire the skills to identify their role as a community member, including how they are integral to advancing the collective good of the community.
Upon degree attainment, a successful student will be able to …
7. meet the technological challenges of a modern world
8. work cooperatively toward a common goal
Former NWIC Outcomes (until May 2013)
NWIC has articulated six competencies in the first phase of its assessment efforts. These competencies are under continual review and updating and other competencies will be articulated as needed. Students who complete a program of study at NWIC will have a solid foundation in the areas listed below. Each of these competencies has the following specific outcomes that will be assessed throughout the students’ program. Rubrics for each competency have links below.
- Cultural: Students will demonstrate an understanding of…
- sense of place.
- what it is to be a people.
- Written communication skills: Students will be able to…
- write standard English.
- write in a variety of text forms using various credible sources.
- Oral communication skills: Students will be able to…
- apply effective presentation skills.
- apply interpersonal communication skills.
- Computer skills: Students will be able to…
- use word processing software for communication.
- use spreadsheet software for communication, computation and graphic data representation.
- use presentation software for communication.
- use the Internet for research.
- use E-mail for communication.
- use electronic library resources
- Quantitative skills: Students will be able to…
- propose solutions to and solve real-world problems by applying the correct numerical data.
- use analytical and critical thinking skills to draw and interpret conclusions.
- Reading skills: Students will be able to…
- comprehend readings.
- extend their own vocabulary through reading.
Direct Indicators
Direct indicators of student performance measures student performance, in contrast to student perceptions (Indirect Indicators) or more general data about students (Institutional data).
NWIC Institutional Outcomes are overarching principles or concepts that are emphasized throughout many courses in all programs at NWIC. They define exactly what we would like all NWIC students to be able to do by the time they graduate.
Program Outcomes are overarching principles or concepts that are emphasized and reinforced throughout several courses in a specific program of study. They define exactly what we would like students to be able to do upon completion of a program of study at NWIC. In most cases, they make the insitutional outcomes specific to a particular program.
Course Outcomes are the most important things we would like students to be able to do by the end of a specific course. They are unique to a specific course. For core courses in a program of study, they also make specific the program and, in many cases, the institutional outcomes.
Indirect Indicators
Assessment of indirect indicators of student learning is the systematic process of gathering, interpreting, and using information regarding student perceptions of their learning through, for example, surveys, focus groups, and interviews, for the purpose of improving student learning and the quality of academic programs.
Indirect indicators ask students to reflect on their learning. Survey results are posted below.
- 2017 Alumni Survey Report
- 2016 Community Needs Report
- 2016 Focus Group Reports (All Sites)
- Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) (2011 Key Findings) (2005 Key Findings) (Comparison between 2005 and 2011 benchmarks)
- Student Opinion Survey (ACT) (Spring 2003)
- Alumni Survey (1990 – 2003 graduates) Alumni Comments (2004)
- Teaching and Assessment Methods (does not include summary) (2003) Summary only
- Needs Assessment (2003) full report and Summary only
- Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) (Winter 2005)
- Student Opinion Survey (Spring 2003)
- Alumni Survey (1990 – 2003 graduates)
- Teaching and Assessment Methods (2003)