NWIC Course Outcomes
Course Outcomes
Each course taught at NWIC is expected to have one set of outcomes, which are used for all instances of the course, regardless of the location or modality of the class. Course outcomes are articulated and approved using the process described below. All sections of a course – regardless of location or method of instruction – has the same set of course outcomes. Each course teaches and assesses NWIC Institutional Outcomes and may also teach and assess program outcomes.
1. Instructions for completing the course outcomes form
2. How to write effective learning outcomes
3. Blank Course Outcomes form (revised 3-1-2016)
4. List of Approved Course Outcomes.
Course outcomes have already been created for the courses with a link on the List of Approved Course Outcomes Forms page. For these courses, please click on the link and review and update all the outcomes using the current blank course outcomes form listed above. For each course that does not have a link, please contact the Director of Assessment to determine if outcomes already exist. If they do not, download a blank course outcomes form.
For each of the courses you teach, work with the other instructors of that course, from all sites and all modes of learning, who teach each course to identify NWIC institutional outcomes and course specific outcomes.
Approval of new or updated course outcomes is considered a course revision and requires Curriculum Committee approval. Visit the Curriculum Committee website for forms. The Curriculum Committee Chair will review the completed form, suggest changes, if necessary, and explain the process for approval of the outcomes.
Following approval, the course outcomes will then be posted online on the List of Course Outcomes Forms.and process for submitting course outcomes to the Curriculum Committee for consideration. .
List the NWIC outcomes and course specific outcomes from the Course Outcomes Form on all syllabi for the course and embed the teaching and assessment of those outcomes into the design of the class.