Accessibility Resources and Services
At Northwest Indian College, providing equal opportunities for students who experience disabilities is a campus-wide responsibility and commitment. Academic and Student Support services are an integral part of equalizing the post-secondary environment for students who experience disabilities.
NWIC is committed to providing students with disabilities equal opportunities to benefit from all College services, programs, and activities. We comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
For Students
At Northwest Indian College, providing equal opportunities for students who experience disabilities is a campus-wide responsibility and commitment. Academic and Student Support services are an integral part of equalizing the post-secondary environment for students who experience disabilities.
NWIC is committed to providing students with disabilities equal opportunities to benefit from all College services, programs, and activities. We comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Upon enrollment at NWIC, we ask that you provide the most
recent documentation form a licensed medical professional that clearly states your diagnoses (IEPS or 504 plans are also accepted). You can email to, scan to
360-392-4255, or bring in person to the Center for Student Success (Building 17). -
The Dean of Students will review your documentation and create an Accommodation Confirmation Letter. Once you review this letter, it will be submitted to your faculty quarterly upon your enrollment.
Faculty Notification letters will be emailed to each of your instructors. Ideally, you will meet with your instructor at the beginning of each quarter to discuss your accommodations and
communicate any concerns or questions you may have.