NWIC Eagles vs UAF (Home)
Join us for a home game vs Whatcom Community College in the new Health and Wellness Center or livestreaming on YouTube!
Join us for a home game vs Whatcom Community College in the new Health and Wellness Center or livestreaming on YouTube!
Join us for a home game vs Whatcom Community College in the new Health and Wellness Center or livestreaming on YouTube!
Join us for a home game vs Whatcom Community College in the new Health and Wellness Center or livestreaming on YouTube!
Join us for the Student Connections Study Jam n’ Drop-In on Wednesdays 4-6 pm! Join us on Zoom!
Join us for the Student Connections Study Jam n’ Drop-In on Wednesdays 4-6 pm! Join us on Zoom!
Join us for the Student Connections Study Jam n’ Drop-In on Wednesdays 4-6 pm! Join us on Zoom!
Join the Student Executive Board for their Talking Circle! Join Zoom Meeting https://nwic.zoom.us/j/81336522200?pwd=hNc7tj07JOexlIC2Pm2UltclXYkt3U.1 Meeting ID: 813 3652 2200 Passcode: 770362
Join us for a home game vs Whatcom Community College in the new Health and Wellness Center or livestreaming on YouTube!
Join us for a home game vs Whatcom Community College in the new Health and Wellness Center or livestreaming on YouTube!