Update on Mask Mandate
Lummi Indian Business Council has approved the Lummi Health Team’s recommendation to lower the mask mandate. Northwest Indian College operates its mask policy based on the recommendations approved by LIBC.
The new Mask Policy will go into effect Monday, Oct. 10, 2022.
In summary: When in COVID level YELLOW or GREEN state, Masks are NOT required inside any LIBC buildings. If the COVID level hits ORANGE or RED, then medical masks ARE required.
There are places where masks will still be required at all times. They are as follows: Any building where there has been an outbreak in the last seven days, inside health care facilities, Little Bear (staff only), Lummi Police Department vehicles when transporting and court rooms.
Sign in sheets and temperature records are no longer required for each building. We will still be conducting contact tracing for larger events.
We will for the time being, continue to operate our event and meeting capacity in buildings based on the COVID risk levels.
For questions, contact COVID 19 / Safety Coordinator Samantha Jefferson at sajefferson@nwic.edu.