AR Hold Waivers Available Now!
NWIC is launching an Accounts Receivable (AR) Hold Waiver plan, intended to engage former NWIC students who are currently unable to register for classes due to having a balance of over $500. An AR Hold is placed on a student’s account when the account balance exceeds $499. The goal is to allow students to register for classes by reducing a student’s account balance to $499, thus removing the AR hold.
The eligibility criteria for this waiver is the following:
- Currently have an AR hold
- Must not yet have earned a four-year degree at NWIC
- Must be an enrolled tribal member or first-generation descendent of a federally recognized tribal member
This AR hold plan is scheduled for the next three years, beginning Academic Year 2018-2019 (AY 19) through 2020-2021 (AY 21), and it is not guaranteed to be extended beyond this time period. The primary goal of the AR hold waiver plan is to encourage former students to complete their college degree at NWIC by waiving the AR Hold and allowing them to register for classes.
If you are interested in participating in this opportunity, please complete and submit the 2018-2019 AR Hold Waiver application to the Financial Aid Office in person or at the following email address: For AY19, please be advised that there are Priority Deadlines for each quarter, starting with Monday, June 4, 2018, for Summer quarter; Monday, September 3, 2018, for Fall quarter; Monday, December 3, 2018, for Winter quarter, and Monday, March 4, 2019, for Spring quarter.
If you or someone you know are interested in returning to NWIC to complete your college education but have been hindered due to an AR Hold, then I encourage you take advantage of this unique opportunity today! For additional questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at (360) 392-4263 or at
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